Saturday 25 February 2012

I have a new and updated blog at

I have mostly discontinued this particular blog and may only very occationally post on this one hereafter.

Also my group at has change its name to


Mostly because I no longer accept only the 'darker' ways of life. I still believe that working with our own shadow self for self improvement is vital to life itself but this no longer means, to me, using any dark magick such as hexes. It means to me, at this time, to look inside for those dark 'demons' we all share our subconscious minds with but dont realise that they dwell there. These subconscious fears or 'demons' control our every thought and reaction unless we can become aware of whats stored within our subconscious minds. In there are assembled and filed away all our life traumas, even those we think we have 'dealt with' and this is why our reactions to 'similar' situations is always based on the X-Files within the subconscious mind. So yes I do still believe 'Shadow Work' is vital to our own individual and collective survival.

Nor do I espouse the following of darker dieties anymore unless they are worked with in balance with the lighter aspects too - for self improvement not self destruction or destruction of any other entity. Diety is a very personal issue for everyone and my own beliefs really dont matter as they cant and shouldnt affect anothers beliefs and thats how life should be in my opinion. I believe from my studies and contemplations and meditations that BOTH outlooks are needed in BALANCE in order that life itself can be BALANCED.

I am a continual learner who always seeks to learn about what life is and what is has to offer and feel I am in need of creating more balance in my life than was with me previously and I KNOW that spiritual stagnation causes our own deterioration so constant learning and developing will, I am positive, give me new outlooks at a later point as I grow and evolve rather than devolve.

So if you are subscribed to this particular blogg then please also check out my new blog

too as that one will be getting more postings than this one.

My website is at

This group encourages member chat, Occult and New Science discussion on its forum boards and also actual live meetups where members can meet together for chat and fun events such as cinema and outings as a group.

Friday 8 July 2011

A thought I had when I couldnt sleep.

I cant sleep and just lying there I came up with this based on the following quote

"What doesnt kill you makes you stronger" So remember to thank your enemies for placing themsleves in positions of SERVITUDE T0 YOU. And remember that life IS eternal so even if your enemy does manage to kill you - YOU STILL WIN!

So grateful thanks go to all my enemies throughout my life who have helped me to grow and develop to become the person I am today, without your servitude I wouldnt have gotten here so thank you :)

We all have enemies, some enemies are much worse than others, some enemies dont even realise they are acting as enemies but everyone who puts you through youre paces are giving to the gift of some training for life and growth. Its up to you what the hell you do with what they give you and normally Id just cry and lock myself away for weeks on end but tonight, I was lying there in bed when suddenly that old famous saying quoted above popped into my brain out of the blue and immediately followed with the words about servitude of your enemies. Now, I do believe in life eternal, that we are divine beings who never really die, energy that only changes but never ends and as we cant Devolve we can only ever Evolve. So when they say "these people are meant to teach us" or "these things are meant to test us" is that not only true but also that they do it via their own servitude to you? After all its them that take the rap as the bad guy because anyone who really knows YOU knows youre ok.

Now Im not saying roll over and play dead for them, nor am I saying kiss the other cheek as I also love another saying that roughly goes "Look at stress like a dog, if you cant eat it or hump it, piss on it and walk away!

So If youre being bullied, by anyone by any means in any place just try and remember - they are your servants not the other way around.

Blessings and best regards D.R.

Wednesday 15 June 2011

A couple of books and a little moan, well a pretty big moan really, but the books are good.

People can be right buggers cant they? Ive just spent a week with no phoneline, no internet and no tv all because some sadistic rat bag (and thats putting my feelings about it very mildly!) decided to cut my connection wires to my home. Its unbelievable how low some people are and I have to wonder if they are indeed of the human species. But yes, Im back on now and trying to catch up on everything.

My personal library of occult books is still growing and Ive just taken delivery of a very interesting looking book this morning called 'Maat Magick: A Guide to Self-Initiation'by Nema. With Introduction by Kenneth Grant.

The blurb on the back of the book says that "Magick transcends the ability of organized religions to unite the soul with God, as it is an individual endeavor of direct experience, unmediated by an official priesthood, and independent of dogma, doctrine, and dependency on faith. Magick's initiations provide you with experience - not hearsay - and with knowledge instead of faith. Maat Magick is a form of, and a coninuation of, Thelemic Magick. Based on the formula of Love under will, Thelema was presented to the world by Aleister Crowley in the first half of the 20th century; its purpose - to destroy the corruption and decay brought about by the old formula of the Dying God. Maat Magick provides the next step, transforming the ashes and rubble of that destruction into a world society built on a new type of human. The riutals of Maat Magick are designed for the individual, though they may be adapted for group work. Nema (the author) leads the reader from the familiarity of physical reality through the uncharted transphysical realm and into truths that defy description. Maat Magick shows that you are your own best source for guidance and wisdom!

Another book I aquired recently is called 'The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge' by Jeremy Narby is on reading standby list too. The back blurb for this one is "While living among Peruvian Indians, anthropologist jeremy Narby became intrigued by their claim that their phenomenal knowledge of plants and biochemistry was communicated to them directly while under the ingluence of hallucinogens.

Despite his initial skepticism, Narby found himself engaged in an increasingly obsessive personal quest. The evidence he collected - on subjects as diverse as molecular biology, shamanism, neurology and ancient mythology - led inexorably to the conclusion that the Indians'claims were literally true: to a consciousness prepared with drugs, specific biochemical knowledge could indeed be directly transmitted through DNA itself. Narby demonstrates that indigenous and ancient peoples, from the Aborigines to the Egyptians, have known for mellenia about the double helix structure - something conventional science only discovered in 1953.

A gripping investigation that opens fresh perspectives on biology, anthropology and the limits of rationalism, The Cosmic Serpent is new science of the most exhilarating kind.

'Books such as Narby's are at the cutting edge of contemporary thought ... [The Cosmic Serpent] ought to be something of an intellectual cause celebre' ...Guardian."

Shame my reading speed is getting slower but my reading greed is getting bigger lol.

Friday 10 June 2011

An inspiring book recommendation

I came across the following quote in a book Im reading called 'BLACK MAGICK FOR DARK TIMES:SPELLS OF REVENGE AND PROTECTION' by Angel Kaelin.

It is in a section (cant give page number as it is on my Kindle sorry) that is talking about people who are continuously abusing, bullying, stalking, etc.

Quote "The fact is, if you have been grievously wronged, you have the right to seek and receive redress.

If you are a witch, I'll ask you this: what is the point in being a witch if you cannot use what you know to bring about justice and free yourself from the harm caused by these evil-doers? It is your inherent right to do so. Do not let smug half-wits and goody-two-shoes tell you you shouldnt. You dont have to turn the other cheek, forgive anyone, or send out "love vibrations" ** to tyrants and oppressors and abusers, bullies and persistent and destructive gossip mongers! *

Nor should you fear retribution in seeking justice or revenge through magick. As long as you are justified in your actions, you are still a good person and a good witch. Anyone who thinks otherwise about you is not your friend and is not worth your time" unquote.

* Italics mine D. R.

** My thoughts on sending out "love vibrations" to abusers, aggressors, bullies, destructive gossip mongers, stalkers and the like is that since Ive seriously tried this in the past with no success in changing or 'healing' their behaviour is that it is very hard to muster up even a bit of loving for someone who is destroying you but even when and if you do muster enough to send the healing and loving vibe to them (and I practiced this for many years due to severe abuses) it does not work!!! As a demonolater and a psy vamp I now know why that is the case. Whenever we send love vibes to anyone we are actually building up and strengthening them but at the same time psychologically we on some level convince ourselves that its ok to love our enemy and forgive what they do. Our enemies are not stupid, they do what they do for their own enjoyments and satisfactions so why waste time 'loving them' for it? The guilt I have personally felt in the past for hating my abusers because I had had it instilled into me to 'love your enemy' 'forgive and forget' 'turn the other cheek' basically, to kiss the arse of whoever wants to abuse you so they can feel free to do it again! has been phenomenal and I'm sure thats what keeps these ridiculous notions going. Remember that to send love to someone is a form of worship, we do this with those we love and respect not those who abuse, rape, torture, and destroy us!

This book is an inspiration and I recommend it to any witch who has had to deal with abuse of any kind. Dont be a 'christian' witch. A witch has abilities that christian doctrines such as 'turn the other cheek' 'forgive' and 'love your enemy' just dont apply to and only aim to suppress and block. Also, dont fall for the new age and neo religions that say to 'send love to heal your enemy' or have warnings such as bad Karma, the law of three etc etc - its all made to control you and keep you in line because if you're hurt and suffering you are wounded and weakend and if youre weakened you are controllable and dependent on being rescued and looked after by someone better and stronger. Be the witch you are, witches are not christians we dont have to live in sack cloth and ashes in order to 'fit in'. Dont feed energy to your enemy - stop them attacking you instead by using your witchery skills.... D.R.

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Demonolatry - so what is it anyway?

So what is Demonolatry? It sounds 'baaaaad' judging from a name like that, right? Nope! Wrong! The truth is its not actually falling into either good or bad categorisations. It is just another form of spiritual development which works on all the multiplicity of life from your own spiritual development and enlightenment to the 'manipulation' of your world via creation through magickal practices. It takes back your own power that you tend to 'give away' by waiting for 'other's' to provide for you, whether thats a person or an entity, god or goddess, faery or elf.

Demonolatry is a form of worship of the so called demons. Demon being a perversion of the orginal Greek meaning of Daemon/Daimon meaning a being 'Replete with Wisdom' 'Divine Power'.

The worship aspect is one of respecting the wisdom of these beings who were the 'Gods and Goddesses of old' which were shoved into the shadows and demonised by monotheistic religions. There is no 'selling your soul to the devil' the devil does not exist, only the Elder gods exist. Neither do they demand sacrifices or suffering to appease them. They will work with you if you respectfully ask them to rather than corner and command them to work with you as in ceremonial magick. It is also a Hermetic religion/practice in that it respects the Hermetic mystical writings of Hermes Trismegistus (Greek for thrice-greatest Hermes) - a combination of the ancient Egyptian God Thoth and the Greek Hermes.

So if they dont want Sacrifices or your soul in damnation what do they want for working with you?

Essentially it is the strengthening 'energies' of admiration, love, appreciation etc that you feel towards your demons that basically 'feeds' them as we all know energy does with any entity when its given (Reiki is a good example of giving energy to another) whether that entity is human, daemon, or angel, cat or dog or pot plant. It is an energy exchange where your love for your demon gives energy to it and your demons help gives you the result you wish to gain, from self-knowledge and enlightenment to psychic ability and that fabulous job that you want. Its based on something called give and take with respect (or, you scratch my back and Ill scratch yours), which seems to be a value or currency that this world appears to be abandoning rather rapidly.


If anyone is curious about the Left Hand Path and what it is then Id really not advise you go straight to the 'famous' church and religion creators such as La Vey or Ford first but look more into the works of those writers who have practised Left Hand Path living for a good part of their lives who write about the Left Hand Path in more of a life style sort of way rather than a religious or shock tactic way. The shock tactic writers are, in my own experience only trying to create a 'church' or 'following' for themselves as did Le Vey who is now very often hailed almost as a 'god' himself and seemingly worshipped by those who are his 'followers' more than likely without checking out any other sources and they appear to appeal to people who are at emotional odds with society anyway.

But LHP isnt not only about religion and 'Satanism' or even Luciferianism for that matter (which is often, even by some practitioners and believers of Luciferianism, not always considered to be Satanism as some see Lucifer and Satan to be totally different entities and some see them not as entities at all but as methods of philosophy and thinking, the inner shadow) as it is often expounded by those writers attempting to make a name, fortune and career for themselves by creating some half baked religion.

There are definitely no 'set in stone' ways of Satanism and Luciferianism. They are personal paths which are created in the practitioners own image so to speak since there are so many different and even very conflicting outlooks to it. You may have noticed yourself that Satanists are always bickering between themselves about which 'version' is the 'True' version.

So my own advice is to forget the 'religious' and ritual grimoirs for a while at first and look into the more general writers who write from their own true experiences of LIVING the Left Hand Path in all its daily and psychological aspects and not just of ritual and religion.

One book I would happily recommend is UNCLE SETNAKT'S ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO THE LEFT HAND PATH by Don Webb. A quote from this is from his FAQs


" Q. I met a group of teenagers that say they are LHP, but they pray to Satan, and I know a nominally Christian group that practises magic. Are either of these groups LHP?

A. Nope. Teenagers shouldn't really be on any religious path, because they have othter life issues to deal with. The LHP is a philosophical and magical discipline, not an excuse to wear ragged black T-shirts. The "Christian" group wants the best of both worlds - the "Thy Will be done!" of the RHP and the "My Will be done!" of the LHP. They will piously explain how both are possible. This lets them off the hook for making decisions and gives them a good excuse if their magic fails."

" Q. Isn't the LHP just Satanism?

A. If you mean does the LHP postulate a Cosmos run by a good guy and a bad guy, and that we're on the side of the bad guy - no, we are emphatically not Satanists. If you see a Cosmos run by regular laws, which is opposed by desire, and you use "Satan" as an emblem of that desire, then we are Satanists. The archetype of the rebel against cosmic injustice is a powerful one for many people beginning the LHP; Such a model can help the Initiate (someone stepping onto the path) burn off guilt and complexes and free him/herself of the debris of past belief systems. But such a Model will not sustain one very long - to simply oppose what Is, is to be chained to it. In the dimmest levels of our society now, there is agreat opposition to what Is; this is understandable as part of the process of historical change. Unfortunately that has made Satan into a very commercial symbol that can sell clothes, magazines, and music. For the serious LHP practitioner, Satan became powerless when he became cool."


I thoroughly recommend this book for anyone who wants to get a SENSIBLE understanding of what the Left Hand Path actually is. It is available at at the moment via the traders. If you buy new it is printed off for you as you order it so takes a while to deliver but there are used ones on sale too that you will have in your hands sooner should you be in a rush to get it.